Supported Living
Our person-centred care services utilise a range of support approaches such as Active Support and Positive Behaviour Support to help people gain skills and increase their independence. We are committed to making all of our services the best they can be, ensuring that they deliver care services in the most effective ways possible.
Why engage us?
We measure the impact that we have on the people that use our services, the wider community and our staff teams. As part of our commitment to quality, we capture these impacts in various ways:
- Annual Survey for People we support.
- Comprehensive audit visits to all our services.
- Supported people case studies.
- Annual Staff Satisfaction Surveys.
- Implement a continuous complaints, suggestions and feedback process in all services.
We use the comprehensive feedback we receive to proactively adapt and develop our services in direct response to the needs of our staff and the people we support. We are also keen to initiate more formal collaboration opportunities so that the people who use our services have direct input and shape how our care service works now and in the future.
The key
Involvement is important and every person who engages with us can participate in their care in ways that make sense to them. Our Involvement Strategy is based on direct feedback from the people using our services. It outlines:
- What people have told us they wish to be involved and have a say in.
- How they would like to have their say.
- What would make it easier for them to do so.
- What the plan is and how we can be sure it works.
We aim to deliver services that give people real choices and control over how they live their lives, fostering independence and support to achieve personal goals and aspirations.