Respite Care
Respite care is provided on a short-term basis and normally for one to two weeks, from a Carer who is different from your regular provider. The respite breaks can be both planned or unplanned depending on circumstances, and can take place in your own home.
Everybody needs some time for themselves, even more so when they care for someone else. Typically, this will be done to give your current carer a well-needed break from their duties. Our care workers can stand-in for an hour or even live in your home to cover your Carer’s holiday.
Whatever respite care you need, our Carers always come prepared to slot into your normal routine, remembering your right to respect and choice every time. They can take you out to your social events, clean your home or just spend time with you.
We are here when you need us and offer one-to-one care from skilled professionals trained by our own training team.
We are here to help…